
Media Arts | 1081106368

Thursday, April 21, 2011

cant show the swf so far since if i upload it to a swf hosting site ( eg : swfCabin ) it wont work since it uses external files ( xml , mp3 ). the final installation will be local anyway so i just might record a video or something showing progress and upload it.

but here's some screenies from the swf. not much different than the screen designs shown before tho

Crit 02 : Just Scripting, Chilling

Havent got the xml add/update part working yet. Flash AS3 is read-only so there's no way to insert new data into my XML file. Would need to use fileSystem class in AIR.

Here's the code so far ( it's messy. will sort it out later. noob programmer at best ) on Pastie

( script won't display for some reason so go here )

For the audio recording part, the exhibition room will most definitely be noisy. But I played a little bit with cardioid mics and I dont think noise will be a problem since these mics only capture sound from one direction, coming from the user.

I even tried the cheap 'Guitar Hero' mic from a friend's 360 and it worked quite well with recording even with music playing in the background. Will do a couple more experiment with shotgun mics from my friend's drumset since it is highly directional but i dont think it is best for vocals. Would probably stick with a Shure mic we have here for the best outcome.

The built-in mic on my webcam sucked, it captures noise from all over lol ( since its omni )

Crit 02 : Reference Like Woe

List of reference :

// air + xml + fileSystem

// text

// sound

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Final Proposal



Racism has been a huge issue around the world including Malaysia. With the creation of new media like social networks ( YouTube, Facebook ), new cases of race hate has been spreading like wildfire and exposed widely to the public.

Problem Identification

Each day through the usage of new media, more and more racial hate display are made, spawning new cases of racism at a high rate which led a number of Malaysian to believe that digital media is a form / medium that will only cause more damage to our multi-race community especially the Internet.

Project Title


Ideation and Concept

one[voice] will provide Malaysians with a medium that allows users to ‘speak’. The installation collects their opinions (voices) on how they see Malaysia as a multiracial country using the iPad. Voices will then be displayed in a live-stream monitor where audience can ‘listen’ to Malaysians. When submission is received, a webcam will capture a picture of the user. Faces of users will be shown on the which profiles users not by their race, but ‘united’ as Malaysians.


To create unity among races through new media and remind

To accumulate comments/feedback from users on racism in Malaysia

To evaluate users response when they are given the opportunity to make statements anonymously


I've always being one to stand against racism. I know for a fact it's not possible to get rid of its existence completely. It's been around for ages. It's stupid ( not to mention stereotyping is damn annoying ) and I think we all need to play our part in solving this huge issue. I'm very glad that I have the chance to support this cause.


Layout : Smackdown

idle screen

main screen. touch on the 'voice-bubbles' to view voices. the 'add-bubble' is to add a new voice

viewing voices

adding a new voice

Setup : Update

I'm gonna go with this new setup. Its less crowded. Less eqs. And i think its more user-friendly. Will update my storyboard and flowchart. So what im gonna do here is just remove the projection altogether and just use the iPad + monitor. Ive just selected ( cop cop ) the wall that im gonna use for my fyp so it'll work fine like this. Basically the writings "I am a Malaysian because ____" will be up to the users to feel after they have 'experience' the installation. Everyone must have their definitions of what being a Malaysian really is rather than just having a Malaysian ID. Users will be provided will marker/chalks/stuffs. Got this idea from 'Before I Die' . If my lecturer digs the idea I might ask for more 'walls' xD


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Content Acquisition : We Speak in Different Voices

ive gathered a few 'voices' from people in forms of text, audio. Images were gained with the help and permission of a local photographer ( mentioned in a few posts below ). I have only gained permission to use one video so far from a youtuber. But more images and clips can be captured on the day itself I suppose. Needs a better webcam though.

Samples of photos ( Shah Alam, KL, and some pasar idk haha ) :

Voices recorded. Received positive ones, negative ones and the typical 'I love Malaysia cus of Nasik Lemak sedap!' types haha.

Samples of audios :

Voice 00 by faiz-yunus

Voice 06 by faiz-yunus

Voice 07 by faiz-yunus

Voice 09 by faiz-yunus

Voice 10 by faiz-yunus

Voice 04 by faiz-yunus

a bunch in text :

iDisplay in action. Air Display works similarly except it has better connection with less-lag.

iDisplay Video Test from Faiz Yunus on Vimeo.


* im thinking of throwing out the monitor and just display everything on the iPad in one app only. same function, different method

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Before Their Eyes

This idea would definitely be more 'fun' and 'inviting' to the audience. Given the question 'I am a Malaysian because _____', it provides more user interaction and actually communicates with them for a deeper meaning of what a Malaysian means to each individual.

Taken from Team Peeta's tumblr

Public Installation artist, Candy Chang to this shuttered house covered in wood planks and graffiti and transformed it into something more visually appealing and positive for the neighborhood. (see below) The installation is called Before I Die and its located in Louisiana on the corner of Marigny and Burgundy (900 Marigny Street). She says “It’s a question that has changed me in the last year, and I believe the design of our public spaces can better reflect what’s important to us as residents and as human beings” This is definitely a great idea and can bring the best out of people. Check out some of the responses, photos and more info over at her site Candy Chang


This give me goosebumps all over.Such an incredible idea.Simple but immensely powerful.It makes people stop and think,it makes me stop and think.I guess this kinda reminds me that we all have our dream,no matter how big or small,it will always be something special, something that’ll keep us moving forward.

Thursday, January 27, 2011



The idea in the teaser is actually one of the previous ideas I had for this project. Drawing 'Malaysia' was the first real expression any Malaysian have done. okay maybe mostly. so it acts as a reminder, that back then where we were kids when someone ask us about Malaysia our representation will always be the smiles of the 3 races, or bunga raya, or the Jalur Gemilang. but we were honest about our opinion. We really didnt mind about being different. But what about now? What if we were asked to do the same drawing? Our current view on Malaysia, what will you draw? What do you have to say? So its purpose what to question users and remind them of that Muhibbah spirit that they have lost. But I decided to not proceed with it because the message woulnt be that clear or impactful to the users. Hence, the idea is only used in the teaser.


about the logo, one is the same size as voice because it represents the one-ness xD you know like the voices of the users are one. not under any race, just Malaysians. voice is in [ ] to express that voices that have been inside of us but kept unspoken, unheard. It also shows that one[voice] will be a medium to speak your voice.

speak. listen. unite. was chosen as the tagline simply refers to the 3 sections of the installation. Read synopsis on previous post for further detail.

the picture of smiles is a warm-welcoming invitation to users that rides on the cliche of 'Malaysia is made up of Malay, Chinese, Indian' but at the same time carries the message of Malaysians are more than just those 3 major races. from the smiles, can one really tell what race the subject in the image is? is she a Malay? a Chinese? a mixed of both? or from one of the 'orang asli' tribes? so does it really matter? as long as a person get to know the real you ( are you sincere + kind + all the good stuffs or are you [insert all the bad stuffs here]?) your skin color doesn't concern anyone. the image invites the audience while questioning them.

also because 'voice' comes from our human instrument the mouth. green represents unity + harmony + one-ness

Contextual Studies + Final Synopsis

Understanding and respect are important characteristics that one must have in order to live in a multiracial country. Most Malaysians have lost the 'Muhibbah' spirit that was once there when they were kids. Growing up, 'educated' by the media, living under the regulations of the system, the 'unity' inside of us is slowly fading. It's all about 'me' or in the politics it's all about 'my race' first. Malaysians need to be reminded.

The decision to unite or hate is up to that individual. Sure we all can keep pointing fingers and most people tend to do so. Because it's easier. Rather than having to live with each other's differences, it is human nature to find comfort in things and be in groups of people with similarities.

In a way, other than the diversity in skin color Malaysians are very different due to their ethics and heritage. If you observe at the way Malaysians dress maybe not so much because everyone dress-up to the 'modern-age' dress code nowadays but what about customs? Each race has their own laws ( even in simple stuffs like eating ) or superstitious beliefs that when not learned and accepted cause disagreements that separate individuals into separate cliques.

Racism has been a huge issue around the world including Malaysia.
But really, what’s the cause of all these racial hate? The government? The system? Or are we the main reason discrimination exists?
one[voice] will provide Malaysians with a medium that allows users to ‘speak’. The installation collects their opinions (voices) on how they see Malaysia as a multiracial country using the iPad. Voices will then be displayed in a live-stream monitor where audience can ‘listen’ to Malaysians.

When submission is received, a webcam will capture a picture of the user. Faces of users will be projected into a pile of cubes that form the shape of the Malaysia which profiles users not by their race, but ‘united’ as Malaysians.

Conceptual Diagram

Functional Specification Sheet

Content Acquisition : Rupa-rupa Malaysia

I have setup and online survey asking Malaysians on their view of Malaysia as a multiracial country. And it is still on going. The inputs gathered from the survey will serve as the initial data to display on the installation art.

More inputs will be collected on the day of the exhibition itself from users who participate with the installation. Here are a few comments Ive got so far :

"Malaysia istimewa sebagai multiracial country kerana sebagai rakyat Malaysia kita semua dapat belajar pelbagai budaya yang ada di negara kita. Selain budaya, kita juga dapat belajar cara bertoleransi antara satu sama lain. walaupun tidak dinafikan 'toleransi' adalah perkara yang agak rumit untuk lakukan, namun sedikit demi sedikit kita semua dapat belajar memahami satu sama lain apabila timbulnya sesuatu isu, dan dapat masa yang sama kita cuba menerima perbezaan yang ada."
- theLOLkitteh

"there's no word could describe how amazing such country like Malaysia could live peacefully with a multiracial citizen in it. All I can say is, "I'm proud to be Malaysian"
- dayusthegreat

"it wont work since people tend to want equal things but then based on the 4 dimension of culture, the power dimension, we have to accept what we are given even if its not given out equally"
- Feek

and there are a bunch of others. i am grateful to all participants.

same thing with images ( faces of Malaysians ) will also be gathered on the day itself. but ive contacted a few photographers and filmmakers if I could use their work for my fyp.

Faridzwan Siman was very kind to share his works with me and allowed me to use them. kudos to him. and also to elmi8 for his inspiring video

( Che' Mat's Saturday Walks is a great series portraying Malaysians. too bad he said it's only for personal use )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Link, DesignKorea 2010

A LINK, Design Korea 2010 from Mimi Son on Vimeo.

the new idea is to add project mapping to the installation. i will need to get my hands on a Mac to learn and utilize VDMX and Quartz Composer

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


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