about the logo, one is the same size as voice because it represents the one-ness xD you know like the voices of the users are one. not under any race, just Malaysians. voice is in [ ] to express that voices that have been inside of us but kept unspoken, unheard. It also shows that one[voice] will be a medium to speak your voice.
speak. listen. unite. was chosen as the tagline simply refers to the 3 sections of the installation. Read synopsis on previous post for further detail.
the picture of smiles is a warm-welcoming invitation to users that rides on the cliche of 'Malaysia is made up of Malay, Chinese, Indian' but at the same time carries the message of Malaysians are more than just those 3 major races. from the smiles, can one really tell what race the subject in the image is? is she a Malay? a Chinese? a mixed of both? or from one of the 'orang asli' tribes? so does it really matter? as long as a person get to know the real you ( are you sincere + kind + all the good stuffs or are you [insert all the bad stuffs here]?) your skin color doesn't concern anyone. the image invites the audience while questioning them.
also because 'voice' comes from our human instrument the mouth. green represents unity + harmony + one-ness
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