
Media Arts | 1081106368

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crit 02 : "Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated”

my idea of creating unity among races in Malaysia was to create an installation that would show people that they have similarities despite our differences. but with my original proposed method, Mr Ky made a comment that it might result in a backfire; the installation might display more differences rather than reaching its true goal. and i agree with him completely here.

so i looked around a bit for stuffs that are mainly labeled unity or change, community, stuffs like that.

before anything, here's a song called Be The Change by Kat Edmonson. Not really my kinda song but the feedback is good. i guess how they made people write on boxes cutout about the change they're looking for worked well. kinda reminds me of our 'Why MMU?' ( copycat! plagiarism! zzz ) video a couple years back for Media Production class haha.

might be pretty cool if i could make an installation where people write what they think about racism and stand in front of the camera for like maybe 10 seconds. then the app will keep sorting the videos out in random order and make like a montage with random songs about unity and change playing in the background. maybe put like 3 cameras or 4. then every time a user uses the installation, it will pick a camera randomly so that we can get a different point of view for each person. maybe project a different background too. just might take this idea into consideration.


i found this app for the iPod, called Be the Change: Daily Challenge and Acts of Change Calendar by HearPlanet. it's a nice app where everyday it challenges you to do something. it's really up to you whether you gonna take the challenge or not. that's the whole message is about, Be The Change. here's a few screenies :

it doesnt implement any out of this world feature. but it does have a nice-simple design which almost all of iOS apps use so everyone can get comfortable in a minute. although this app doesnt directly aims towards racism or unity, the approach is applicable and inspiring. its doing pretty well in reaching a mass number of people.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
—Steve Jobs, 2003

and this app definitely works, thanks to its design and approach. its proof that i dont have to go and try to impress people with an installation full of visual, or visual audio processing projection, or an app on the iPad and stuffs. i probably should just stick to the idea above. its simple. and kinda original i guess. okay not really. whatever

read more about Be The Change app here. responses it's getting are good

brief description :
“Every day you’ll receive a new inspirational message from one of the world’s most respected thinkers and communicators. With each message comes a Daily Challenge to go along with the day’s theme. Not only that, but you can log your Acts of Change so you can track your positive actions, and share them with friends and family on Facebook and through email.”

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